Chris Stringer

Chris Stringer on Human Evolution, Recent Discoveries, and their Implications

A Crash Course In Human Evolution With Anthropologist Chris Stringer

Early human occupations of Britain – Chris Stringer

NEANDERTHALS: Origins, Culture, Interbreeding, Extinction, the anti-Science Agenda | Chris Stringer

How Similar Are We To The Extinct Human Species? | With Professor Chris Stringer

Chris Stringer: human evolution in 2024

Seminar by Professor Chris Stringer: Some current issues in the later stages of human evolution.

Chris Stringer 'The Origin of Our Species'

Chris Stringer, Katerina Harvati new paper, Iwo Eleru skull, Nigeria 13kya. Link to Jebel Irhoud?

Secrets of Dragon Man ~ with PROFESSOR CHRIS STRINGER

Chris Stringer: HUMAN ORIGINS, Evolution, Denisovans, Neanderthals, DNA, My Nose | Eurotrash Ep 13

CARTA: The Origin of Us -- Chris Stringer: Fossil Record of Anatomically Modern Humans

New Discoveries: Chris Stringer on the Harbin Skull and Denisovans

Revealing Our Human Evolution Mystery Through Ancient Fossils With Chris Stringer

LFL 8 Full Fight: Chris Stringer VS Andreeas Binder

CARTA: The Origin of Us - Fossils of Modern Humans Interbreeding within and outside of Africa

Chris Stringer discusses the Harbin cranium - Dragon Man

Human evolution | Chris Stringer | Reason with Science| Hominins | Hominids

Chris Stringer on Human Evolution

Chris Stringer : What is Homo sapiens?

'Did Neanderthals dance?' | Human origins researcher Chris Stringer weighs in

First impressions of the Harbin cranium 2019

Interview with Professor Chris Stringer - The Emergence of Modern Man

What is homo sapeins? with Chris Stringer. #reasonwithscience #humanevolution #podcast #evolution